So I got into a discussion today about how I cook, clean, iron, sew, etc. Now some may think I am a sissy. Others may think that I have an alternative lifestyle that I "just haven't fully embraced yet". I did not get divorced, because "she found something out". And no my car obsession is not compensating for anything...
Let me take you back to a simpler time. A time before deadlines, mortgage payments, and yearly physicals. I'm talking about junior high. Sometime during the summer of my sixth grade year something changed. At the time I did not know what it was, but looking back now I blame it on my best friends parents who always dropped us off at the city pool. When we were younger horse play primarily occupied our time at the pool, that was until that summer. That summer for some reason we noticed that all the girls didn't exactly wear the same bathing suits that we did. And that summer we also noticed that their suits became a little more revealing. The girls locker room went from just another room to a mysterious realm. Many of us speculated what went on in there, but no one really knew. The older kids told us stories, but I know now that they were probably getting those ideas from letters that started out something like "Dear Penthouse Forum - I never thought this would happen to me..."
As we camped out that summer the old talk of guns, cars, farts, and video games was replaced by girls, girls, girls, and well girls.
You would have thought we had discovered intelligent life on some distant planet or something. Where had these creatures been? Why had we never been told of them?
So what does this have to do with my cooking and cleaning? Just hold on sec would ya.
Well as the school year approached our new found obsession was still in the forefront of our lives. And then one of my buddies older brothers told us what to do. He told us of a sure fire way to be surrounded by girls everyday of the week - Home Ec.
"What's that?" we asked
"Simple. It's a class that ALL girls take to learn how to be moms and stuff."
"What! A sissy class! No way. We're taking woodworking." we replied
"Whatever. Just you and a bunch of loser guys in woodworking..."
We had made up our minds.
But as the first day of school started a funny thing happened. Me and all my buddies signed up for Home Ec. You see the power of a woman will make a man do crazy things. Things he never thought he would do. Yep, you and all your buddies - watching old Mulligan Stew films, cooking cornbread, and sewing a stuffed moose.
As for the girls. Well little did we realize they had noticed us too, and they must have received advise from their older sisters about guys. They all registered for woodworking...