A substitute bill (S.B. 106) to ban the use of most aftermarket exhaust systems has been introduced in the Utah State Legislature by Senator Patricia Jones(pjones@utahsenate.org) and passed by the Senate Transportation Committee. The bill now moves to the floor of the Senate for a vote by all members. Under the substitute bill, all vehicles must be equipped with an exhaust system that is “installed by the original manufacturer of the vehicle and is not modified; or meets specifications equivalent to the muffler installed by the original manufacturer of the vehicle and is not modified.”
Click for the
bill and it's
Utah State Senators Senator Luz RoblesPhone: 801/521-0407
Email: lrobles@utahsenate.org
Senator Ben McAdamsPhone: 801/359-2544
Email: bmcadams@utahsenate.org
Senator Patricia W. JonesPhone: 801/322-5722
Email: pjones@utahsenate.org
enator Karen MaynePhone: 801/968-7756
Email: kmayne@utahsenate.org
enator Michael G. WaddoupsPhone: 801/355-1136
Email: waddoups@utahsenate.org
Senator Ross I. Romero Phone: 801/844-7229
Email: rromero@utahsenate.org
Senator Karen W. Morgan Phone: 801/538-1406
Email: kmorgan@utahsenate.org
Senator Wayne NiederhauserPhone: 801/558-4766
Email: wniederhauser@utahsenate.org
Senator D. Chris ButtarsPhone: 801/561-0535
Email: dcbuttars@utahsenate.org
Senator Mark B. Madsen Phone: 801/361-4787
Email: mmadsen@utahsenate.org
enator John L. Valentine Phone: 801/373-6345
Email: jvalentine@utahsenate.org
Senator Margaret Dayton Phone: 801/221-0623
Email: mdayton@utahsenate.org
Senator Curtis S. Bramble Phone: 801/226-3663
Email: cbramble@utahsenate.org
Senator Peter C. KnudsonPhone: 435/723-6366
Email: pknudson@utahsenate.org
Senator Jon J. Greiner Phone: 801/629-8226
Email: jgreiner@utahsenate.org
Senator Allen M. ChristensenPhone: 801/710-0315
Email: achristensen@utahsenate.org
Senator Scott K. JenkinsPhone: 801/621-5412
Email: sjenkins@utahsenate.org
Senator Davis Jerry W. Stevenson Phone: 801/430-2575
Email: jstevenson@utahsenate.org
Senator Davis Stuart Adams Phone: 801/546-6000
Email: sadams@utahsenate.org
Senator Davis Daniel R. LiljenquistPhone: 801/294-2378
Email: dliljenquist@utahsenate.org
Senator Wayne Ralph Okerlund Phone: 435/979-7077
Email: rokerlund@utahsenate.org
Senator Rich Lyle W. Hillyard Phone: 435/752-2610
Email: lhillyard@utahsenate.org
Senator Kevin Van Tassell Phone: 435/789-7082
Email: kvantassell@utahsenate.org
Senator David P. Hinkins Phone: 435/748-2828
Email: dhinkins@utahsenate.org
Senator Dennis E. StowellPhone: 435/559-8143
Email: dstowell@utahsenate.org
Senator Stephen H. Urquhart Phone: 435/668-7759
Email: surquhart@utahsenate.org
Senator Gene DavisPhone: 801/484-9442
Email: gdavis@utahsenate.org
Senator Brent GoodfellowPhone: 801/556-4871
Email: bgoodfellow@utahsenate.org
Senator Howard StephensonPhone: 801/972-8814
Email: hstephenson@utahsenate.org
Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org.